CREACE in Action

Smart teams share their knowledge via CREACE

Product tutorials, technical training, coaching or business innovation: There are no limits to how you can use CREACE to share knowledge across your enterprise. Please get in touch with our team to discuss how CREACE can help you become a learning organisation.

Leading Enterprises
empower their teams with CREACE

From employer branding campaigns and direct sourcing to video applications and onboarding: The possibilities for using CREACE within the talent journey are endless. Please contact our team to discuss how CREACE can best help your organisation.


  • In a first meeting we can discuss and agree the specific use cases for which you want to create videos. Our experienced team will be happy to share best practice and provide insight on how best to use CREACE within your organisation.

  • Based on the agreed use case and the brand guidelines and assets you provide, our creative team will develop your CREACE template.

  • The new template can be accessed via a special code within the CREACE app - so you can invite test users from within your organisation before rolling it out to a wider audience.

  • During the use of your CREACE template, we can monitor user behaviour and optimise the video template or instructions where necessary.

Additional services to ensure your success

  • CREACE Webinar

    Our experienced product- and storytelling experts will help you and your teams to get up to speed with CREACE in no time.

  • Suggested Hardware

    CREACE requires no extra hardware besides a smartphone - however, we are happy to suggest suitable hardware to improve the sound and visual quality.